York Pride 2024 will cost around £80,000! Become a Sponsor and help us make York Pride 2024 happen...

Attention York businesses and organisations! Find out all the ways you can sponsor us and how it will benefit you whilst showing support for your LGBT+ customers and employees...

Did you know?

  • There are around 4 million LGBT+ people in Britain.
  • ¼ million of those are here in Yorkshire.
  • Income is approximately 30% higher than the average.
  • The community spends circa £6.5 billion per year.
  • 60% of LGBT+ people are more likely to buy products and services from a company they see is LGBT+ friendly.
  • We have a Social Media reach of over 380,000 people

Getting involved and supporting York Pride makes great business sense!

  • Show your staff and customers that you support the LGBT+ community
  • Give something back to the community and help make York the best place to live in the UK!

We can offer a bespoke package based on areas you'd like to be involved, which can include:

    • Website banners and links
    • Taking part in our Parade - a fantastic way to get your business noticed in York
    • Have a stall on the Festival site - a great way to talk and interact with thousands of people about your business
    • Social media posts
    • Act & Host Sponsorship
    • Stage Sponsorship

We've put together our most popular packages in our Sponsorship Pack - they start from as little as £500...

The Sponsorship team are always happy to discuss all possible Sponsorship opportunities!

For more information, please get in touch with the Sponsorship Team at info@yorkpride.org.uk

sponsor aviva

York Pride's main sponsor and official partner, Aviva

sponsor lner

LNER celebrate with York Pride

sponsor jrf

Joseph Rowntree Foundation taking part in the York Pride Parade